Municipal Electric Aggregation Program

What is Municipal Aggregation?

Illinois law allows municipalities and counties to negotiate the purchase price of electricity on behalf of residential and small business utility customers living with in those borders. 

Local officials bring the community together for improved group purchasing power.  The community benefits by receiving competitively priced electricity.

The Village of Poplar Grove has participated in a municipal electric aggregation savings program since 2012.  The purpose was to provide the lowest cost option to residents to purchase electricity at rates lower than ComEd.  It is a choice for all residents if they wished to participate.

Residents are allowed to “opt-out” at any time.

The program guarantees participants a fixed electric supply rate of 0.0955¢ per kilowatt hour through December 2026.

Can I opt out without any penalty?

“Opt-Out” means everyone is included into the Village of Poplar Grove Municipal Aggregation Program until they opt-out.  Residents opt-out by returning the opt-out form included in your mailer, or by calling MC Squared Energy Services, LLC.

If a resident opts out they will not be enrolled as an electricity customer with MC Squared and will continue to be served by their current supplier.

If a resident does not opt out prior to the expiration date, they will be included in the Aggregation Program.

Regardless, all customers will continue to have their electricity distributed by ComEd.

ComEd Rate Notice 

ComEd recently announced new default service rates of 6.522¢ per kilowatt hour.  ComEd’s base rates are set, however they will vary month to month based on the Purchased Electricity Adjustment (PEA), which may be either a charge or a credit in any given month, not to exceed .5 cents/kwh.

We wish to provide our residents with the best electrical rate opportunity no matter the provider.  There are options for residents in the Municipal Aggregation Program at this time.

  1. Customers participating in the Village of Poplar Grove’s Electric Aggregation Program can take no action and continue with the program.  They can have the benefit of knowing their electric supply rate is fixed through December of 2026.
  2. Customers participating in the Village of Poplar Grove’s Electrical Aggregation Program can opt-out with no penalty, and return to ComEd.  Customers will not be allowed to re-enroll in the Aggregation Program for a six month period.  ComEd’s current rate can be lower, however they may change their rate at any time.

The Village of Poplar Grove’s Electric Aggregation Program is designed to offer households a fixed rate for budget certainty in managing electric costs. If you wish to change your electric provider and return to ComEd, contact MC Squared Energy Services at (888) 423-1397. Please make sure to have your ComEd account number available during the call.

If you decide to opt-out of the program and return to ComEd, under the current provisions of ComEd’s tariff, you will not be allowed to re-enroll in the program for a period of six months.

For additional questions and concerns regarding the Village of Poplar Grove’s Electrical Aggregation Program, please contact the office of Rock River Energy Services (815-732-4603) to speak with a representative.

Community Residents and Small Business Options for Electrical Choices

 A.)  stay with the current plan and see what the new rate will be next June as we expect it to move up by at least .005 cents/kwh due to the increase in capacity costs that have already been established 3 years out.

B.) move back to Com Ed at the new lower rate and we will review next May as then they could move back to their Community Aggregation plan.  If customers go back to ComEd, they have to stay there for a minimum of 6 months before they could re-enroll into the community program. 

C.) select their own supplier from the ICC listing:

55 listed suppliers with over 90 offers. 

It is up to each resident and small business to make their choice individually and neither the Community nor Rock River Energy Services, by contract law should advise or recommend to them what choice to make. It is the resident’s final decision.  

Still have questions? 

Contact MC Squared Energy Services at 888-423-1397 8am to 5pm.

MC Squared Energy Services website