Public Works
The Village of Poplar Grove is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service. Our Public Works staff is comprised of a Director, 3 full-time employees, 1 seasonal employee, and various contracted services. The Public Works Department is responsible for maintaining approximately 33 miles of roadway, as well as the maintenance of our water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer infrastructure. Public Works and our contracted services also handle snowplowing of all Village owned roads and properties, retention pond mowing/maintenance, road side ditch mowing/tree trimming, parkway tree maintenance/installation/removal, sidewalk repairs, street sign installation, maintenance of all Village owned buildings, properties, and equipment, pesticide application and mosquito abatement, maintenance of 5 Village owned parks, and much more!
If you have any questions or concerns about the above related services, please contact David Howe, Director of Public Works, at 815-765-3201.
In the event there is a Public Works emergency, please call 815-742-0418. We have an employee on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to handle any situation that may arise.